Apr 28, 2020

Know the Diabetes Insipidus Deeper

Diabetes insipidus - Diabetes insipidus diabetes is a disease caused by the activity of the hormone ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) or its receptor. ADH hormone function is to concentrate the urine so that the content of fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. If the hormone production is disrupted will cause problems on receptors in the kidney that would be excessive urine production. Patients with diabetes insipidus will always urinate and always feel thirsty and can lead to dehydration.

Differences between diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus are at excessive sugar content in the body. Patients with diabetes insipidus have the stability of sugar in the blood, while people with diabetes have excess blood sugar, although that seems the same symptoms but need a study to ascertain whether the person is suffering from diabetes mellitus or insipidus.

The division of diabetes insipidus there are two kinds:
1.Diabetes central insipidus: Diabetes is caused due to insufficient production of the hormone ADH.
2. Diabetes insipidus nefrogenesis: Diabetes is caused by problems in the kidney that are not sensitive in responding to anti-diuretic hormone. The impact of this activity makes the urine becomes very dilute urine is passed and a lot of our bodies.

What are the symptoms of diabetes insipidus:
1. Always feel excessive thirst
2. The amount of urine is passed very much.
3. Experiencing tired and lethargic due to problems in the body's electrolyte fluid.

How do I know someone affected by diabetes insipidus?
1. Perform urine test whether there is sugar in the urine or not
2. Seeing the plasma ADH levels
3. Measuring the levels of glucose in the blood, if a little so he affected by diabetes insipidus.
4. The number of levels of electrolytes in the blood
5. The content of the urine.

Treatment of diabetes insipidus
To treat patients with diabetes insipidus central type done for the ADH hormone replacement, but for people with diabetes insipidus type nefrogenesis then usually do, but with adequate fluid intake.
Thus a full discussion about diabetes insipidus, hopefully can help add to the treasures of our knowledge.

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