Showing posts with label fitness news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness news. Show all posts

Apr 28, 2020

Know the Diabetes Insipidus Deeper

Diabetes insipidus - Diabetes insipidus diabetes is a disease caused by the activity of the hormone ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) or its receptor. ADH hormone function is to concentrate the urine so that the content of fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. If the hormone production is disrupted will cause problems on receptors in the kidney that would be excessive urine production. Patients with diabetes insipidus will always urinate and always feel thirsty and can lead to dehydration.

Differences between diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus are at excessive sugar content in the body. Patients with diabetes insipidus have the stability of sugar in the blood, while people with diabetes have excess blood sugar, although that seems the same symptoms but need a study to ascertain whether the person is suffering from diabetes mellitus or insipidus.

The division of diabetes insipidus there are two kinds:
1.Diabetes central insipidus: Diabetes is caused due to insufficient production of the hormone ADH.
2. Diabetes insipidus nefrogenesis: Diabetes is caused by problems in the kidney that are not sensitive in responding to anti-diuretic hormone. The impact of this activity makes the urine becomes very dilute urine is passed and a lot of our bodies.

What are the symptoms of diabetes insipidus:
1. Always feel excessive thirst
2. The amount of urine is passed very much.
3. Experiencing tired and lethargic due to problems in the body's electrolyte fluid.

How do I know someone affected by diabetes insipidus?
1. Perform urine test whether there is sugar in the urine or not
2. Seeing the plasma ADH levels
3. Measuring the levels of glucose in the blood, if a little so he affected by diabetes insipidus.
4. The number of levels of electrolytes in the blood
5. The content of the urine.

Treatment of diabetes insipidus
To treat patients with diabetes insipidus central type done for the ADH hormone replacement, but for people with diabetes insipidus type nefrogenesis then usually do, but with adequate fluid intake.
Thus a full discussion about diabetes insipidus, hopefully can help add to the treasures of our knowledge.

Apr 27, 2020

Commuting Street

This is my life, this time of year. I go to work in the dark, work all day, and drive home at night.

I think that's why I love summer! LOL.

This is normal for me, this being on the freeway, going in traffic, and getting where I am needed.

For Southern Californians, this is a way of life.

We are born into it.

And everyone believes they are 'better than average' drivers <3

I want to talk for a short time, about what ELSE is 'normal' for me--Living with Spiritual Guidance.  I have had communication with Mother Mary since 1992, both with intuitive guidance and formal messages I have been asked to write.  On paper. I have books and journals of my spiritual growth in the early phases.

A lot at the beginning built on trust, on her being able to work with me, and I being able to work with Her. Humility is an important thing for me, she told me. I also have learned that obedience is important for me too. Not 'blind' obedience, but being obedient to my life plan, to Heaven, and to my personal growth.

I never even dreamed of anything more! Not in those days. I just wanted to find a good man, raise a family, and be a good doc <3

I did a lot, a lot, a LOT of crying in those days! Of feeling 'lost'.  I used to even call in my deceased grandfather. He would always wear his yellow sweater, and would hold me for a short time, in spirit, because I didn't know where to go or what to do I had such complete overwhelm.

I also actively, actively, actively sought things of Spirit. I went to mass as often as I could, because it helped. I read books, I went to crystal shops, and did tarot cards with my own journal to record what I 'picked up' for myself, my 'next steps'.

I still never thought anything of it.

I still for this day can't tell you for sure how I ended up here online like this. I think it was from my Reiki Classes, after I reached Reiki Master (I am a Karuna Reiki Master, now)--I wanted to make a blog for healers like myself.

It took a total bottoming out, metaphysically, and a visit to Tim Braun to point me in the right direction, to get me to Anne Reith, PhD and Reiki.

The human mind doesn't process the Spiritual.

The heart FEELS it.

The reason why I bring it up is because many of us right now are like, 'what is going on?' and 'why is it taking so long?' and 'are we there yet?'...

We are.

We always HAVE been, as we are incarnate, but also, Spirit too. After we die, we go back to our Spirit form.

From what I have read in some latest channeled messages, the afterlife/spirit in the Higher Realms seems like some Netflix thing, where you pick a reality and dimension like you would a movie, and you just 'go experience it'.  I think like one of those TV's with a split screen, we have the ability to 'watch' many such 'realities' at once--effortlessly.

I wasn't sure if I was ready to 'be like Ross', to be honest. For a couple days I had to mull it over, in my heart.

My intuition helped me.  I saw what was holding me back. I also shared with a friend, and the same thing was holding her back too. It was like a huge pressure was taken off us.

For example, since I am able to talk with spirit telepathically, when I make a bracelet for someone, I first 'tune in' to their energy signature. As a Karuna Reiki Master I have worked with souls for years now. I see them, I experience them, I feel their 'energy body'--and I see attachments and imbalances when I look for them too. I get a 'feel' for the stones that will resonate with them.  Spirit does this part. We are working together, as a team, just like how my close friend Alexandra Meadors does with her remedies. Ascended Masters 'come through' and help. With Spirit at my side, I can design a bracelet in less than five minutes. It takes longer to string it. But I know in my heart what is 'right', and when it's on the arm, I know how to 'check' for an energetic 'fit' or 'match'...

THIS is my thing! I have done this for millennia! My Higher Self--who is in me now and I know it--as just 'me' (it's a whole lot less confusing lol!)--recalls everything and knows what to do. I just have learned how to go along with it.

This is the result of twenty-three years of 'waking up', to regain my mastery at this healing method.

The other day I realized, I am a craftsman, an artisan, and in working with spirit, I go when the energies are right.

I had someone wanting two handmade bracelets in Mexico. Their mail is VERY slow. But as it turned out, the package arrived safely on the person's birthday, and the end result was sheer delight.

That's why you don't see anything but word of mouth.  I put time and energy into them.  If you ever want to order, please go through PayPal, to 'friends and family'--and you state the size, type of clasp (elastic has no clasp, it stretches, and is most popular)--toggle or lobster claw--and where you want it sent. It's easier if you communicate with me, through messaging on DWR, or my email, which is also my PayPal,

So where are we from here?

The only way out is UP--through the vibrations. It might look different where we are going, as a collective, as humanity, to the energies of the Higher Realms.  But if you think about it, we are going to the same place we go when we meditate, or where we were before we were born. Our souls will remember.

Do our bodies come with us? I believe so, yes, as our 'classification' in the grand scheme of things is 'human angel'. How it works, I don't know. I'm not going to worry about it.

I trust Ross.

He would never intentionally trick me, or hurt me. It isn't easy being his Twin, incarnate, here on Earth. I keep wanting to go TO him! BACK to wherever I was, where the energies feel right.

Increasingly, the 'energies' are feeling more 'right' Here and Now. For example, when Anthony and I played the board game and baked cookies. Or yesterday talking about Japan with the surgeon, who leaves for a trip there in two weeks.  There was a 'resonance' of happiness and contentment to the energies.

Heaven is a place of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion.

Heaven is coming to Earth.  The VIBRATION of Heaven.

If you are having financial trials, loneliness, or health setbacks, what better opportunity to learn to manifest? And what better place to begin being able to manifest with the higher energies, abundance and prosperity, than by truly forgiving yourself for getting yourself in this situation--and by asking for All Divine Assistance, (I ask Archangel Nathaniel for he helps with the impossible--no job for him is too large)?

Energetically, as souls we are learning to walk. It's not going to be perfect the first time around. You must forgive yourself for this too. For all the mistakes that may happen.

Let me put this out there--manifesting a large bank account isn't how the Universe and the energies work.  Currency is a human invention. Try imagining trips, new job situations, some healing tool like a crystal you find is beautiful and could use to heal yourself and others, instead.

Spirit provides the money, and typically, the timing is very close, either right before or right after.

Have a state of positive anticipation with no attachment to the outcome.

Spirit will do the rest. Your vibration must be as high as it can possibly be for manifestation to take place.

But try.

Give it a go!

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Let's begin!


You are here.

The light is at the end of the road, on the horizon.

Will you walk to it?

Will you take the words that Carla shared, with love in her heart, and take the advice to your heart?

Only you can make the walk energetically from here to there.

I can't carry you.

No one of us in Spirit can.

There is an abundance of abundance and prosperity, of love, of nurturing, warmth, and compassion...right down the road.

Look at it clearly.

As you get closer, you will start to see colors, shapes, and forms. They will come into focus.  For some of you, it may be loved ones like Carla's Nannu Filippo or Tami Driver who have made the transition (or me! doh! how could I forget?)...for others it may be unicorns, or dragons...

No matter what, when you go to your 'quiet space' and 'connect' to the Heavenly Realms, the 'Higher Realms' Carla mentions, you will BE 'there'. Even for a short time, although your body is on the couch perhaps 'taking a nap' it is your Consciousness which goes back with the knowledge is that everything is from God, God is Eternal, and you are outside the Illusion, past the Veil, for just as long enough as it takes to encourage you to keep raising your vibration--to seek MORE.

Bit by bit, day after day, it will grow.

You won't have to wait twenty three years like Carla did to find her husband, 'Ross' (I love how she says it--ed).

You have a faster route (shows image of the freeway) 'step on the gas' and let's get on with this!

Apr 20, 2020

Fruit is best for diabetics

Fruit for diabetics - For some people with diabetes stop eating fruits fearing her blood sugar rose padalah many important pieces of content such as vitamins, minerals and fiber fitokima. Fruit - fruit also has a sucrose sugar that is good for the body. What must be considered is the glycemic index of fruit was sendiri.Sebaiknya eat fruit that has a low glikemiks index is below 50. glikemiks index is a measure of how quickly a food berkabohidrat converted by the body into blood glucose. The more indexes glikemiks then the better for diabetics.
Fruit for diabetes
Fruit for diabetics. photo: diabetesandtheheart (dot) com
Here is a list of fruits good for diabetics which they consume:
1. Kiwifruit
Kiwi fruit is good for diabetics because it can help control blood sugar. In addition to the many benefits of a kiwi fruit such as preventing asthma, prevent obesity, prevent heart disease and protect our DNA from mutasi.Kandungan vitamin C in kiwifruit claimed more than oranges.
2. Pears
Number of Dair pear glycemic index is only 38 so it's good for diabetics. There are various types of fruit such as pears Chinese pears, but in general all the pear good for diabetics to lower blood sugar levels. Pears also will help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, boost immunity and can be andtioksidan.
3. Cherries
Cherries have a very low glikemiks index is only 22saja. Cery contained in fruit anthocyanins which causes the fruit is red and a role in lowering blood sugar levels and increase insulin production of the pancreas by 50%.
The content of the index glikemiks of citrus fruit is only 48. In addition, in it has a high enough fiber Serva vitamin C are the same - the same role in the development of lowering blood sugar levels.
5. Berries
This fruit may be somewhat difficult to find in Indonesia but daiantara all turns berry fruit has a very low glycemic index and fiber in it helps the absorption of sucrose until the blood sugar level can be controlled.
6. Fruit grapefruit
Grapefruit has a taste that is not too sweet so this fruit only has a glycemic index naringengin 25. The content of flavonoids in grapefruit can help balance sugar levels in the blood. For those who are affected by diabetes should eat the fruit is 1 or 2 pieces each day so that the risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced.
7. Apples
So much the content of apples that are beneficial to our bodies start of vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants and pectin in apple skin. Pectin itself serves for detoxification of toxins in the body. Galacturonic acid content in apples is effective in lowering insulin requirements by up to 35%. The glycemic index of apples is 38.
Thus 7 pieces for diabetics, which should be consumed. Hopefully with fruit - hence diabetes can be reduced. Hopefully useful and also read the previous article.

Apr 14, 2020

Recognize Diabetes And How Much More With Herbal Remedies 2

Old Year
Herbal Medicine and Medicinal Plants Diabetes Diabetes Can You Find Your Around
For those of you who suffer from diabetes, either type 1, type 2, gestational mauoun course of treatment is needed, especially to make you feel good in the state every day. Actually, it is very rare for people with diabetes is to get rid of the disease, especially when it is of type 1 and 2. However, this does not mean the treatment is not necessary. Even if the treatment you are doing well and regularly, could eventually youwill recover from this disease.
Although today there are quite a lot of medical treatment options on offer, the real choice in herbal medicine is necessary for you to consider given the low harmful side effects that may happen to you even could lead to the emergence of new diseases in your body. Fortunately, there are enough options that herbal remedies can AndaAndalkan in tackling diabetes. It is even better because the actual herbal medicines are very likely to be found are found around you either in the yard of the house, on the market, and also supermarkets that sell spices are complete. Herbail drugs also can still be used alongside insulin injections, if you are familiar with these injections, because sfifatnya natural.
Here are some examples of herbal remedies that you can use to cope with diabetes and the symptoms they cause:
- Noni Fruit: This fruit is long since known as super fruit that can be relied upon to treat various diseases in the human body, one of which is diabetes. This fruit has been shown to be quite effective in lowering the blood sugar levels in diabetics as well as have the ability to improve insulin receptors in the body and also of beta cells in the pancreas that normally does not work perfectly. One other thing you should know is that the noni fruit is now also available in the form of herbal juice ready for consumption. Although this juice may be said memunyai price is quite expensive, many people have already proven cured of diabetes by drinking this juice on a regular basis in accordance with the recommended dosage.
- Noni Fruit: If by chance you can not afford to buy noni fruit juice, in fact there is an alternative that is much more affordable, the noni fruit. Fruit is actually still a brother of the noni fruit also has a natural ability to improve insulin-producing cells in the body are damaged. How to consume this fruit is also quite easy. You only need to take two fresh noni fruit and memarutnya and squeeze out the water. Noni juice is what should you drink as a way of tackling diabetes. Because noni tree also is not difficult to obtain and are also grown, it is better if you plant noni tree in your yard so you can pick the fruit at any time you need.
- Fruit Mahkota Dewa: Besides known as herbal ingredients that can be used as an attempt to lower blood sugar levels, Phaleria was also known to have other health benefits such as anti-inflammatory drugs, diarrhea, and skin disease drug. To overcome tingginy blood sugar levels, this fruit can be sliced ??and brewed in a glass of hot water and drunk when the content in the fruit blend with water. For maximum results, this herbal concoction is quite advisable to drink as much as two or three times each day. Because of this it is better if you plant fruit trees in your yard.
- Brotowali: Since long, the herb that is often used to treat diabetes. In addition, this herbal remedy is also quite effective in lowering the heat as well as for pain relief. How to consume this herbah plants to cope with diabetes is to boil brotowali 6 cm chopped quite finely into three glasses of water. Typically, these herbs can lower blood sugar levels better if the cat's whiskers leaves and bitter leaf are also added to the stew. This herbal medicine should be taken after meals.
- Leaf Aloe Vera: Maybe this one herbal remedy that is not enough known to be able to cope with diabetes. However, the actual aloe leaf did get used to it. The trick is to boil a piece of leaf aloe vera into three glasses of water until the water becomes about 1 ½ cups only. Just like brotowali stew, stew Aloe vera also should be taken after meals.

- Fruit Pare: This fruit is tasted very bitter but has a unique ability to stimulate beta cells found in the pancreas to be able to produce insulin naturally. For best results, you should pare blended meat and drunk directly. However, you can also boil the flesh of the fruit into the water and then drink the cooking water.
- Green Tea: When compared with other types of tea, especially black tea is more often drunk by the people of Indonesia, green tea has health benefits much more. In addition to a fairly high antioxidant content and can be used to combat a variety of diseases, this tea is also known to have great benefits for beauty. In addition, of course, the main benefit of green tea which will be discussed in this article are the benefits associated with a way to manage diabetes of any type.
Green tea can be used to treat diabetes because it can stimulate the formation of the hormone insulin in the human body. Nowadays green tea is quite easy to find and the price is also quite affordable. Therefore, it is better if you build the habit of drinking green tea in everyday life rather than just taking it to cope with diabetes alone. In fact, if you actually have not been infected by this malicious penyakir, you can also make a habit of drinking green tea for prevention so that later you will not be affected by this blood sugar disease.
- Cinnamon: herbal ingredients this one not only has a distinctive aroma that is quite tasty but also quite effective in counteracting radical bebsa thus also be used to treat one disease that we discussed in this article. How to use herbs that can be found easily on our Mother Earth is also quite easy, you just need to add cinnamon powder into your food and water daily. However, you need to remember that jumalh powder is added also should not be too much because it may cause side effects or make the taste of food and beverages you become unwell.
- Soursop Leaf: One more example of natural herbal ingredients that can AndaAndalkan in overcoming diabetes is the soursop leaves. Actually, the leaves of this herb can also be used to treat many types of other diseases, including also a disease that is deadly, namely cancer. In an effort to overcome diabetes, how to process daunsirsak is to make herbal potions that you can drink every day. The trick is to boil 15 soursop leaves mixed with 7 lmbar red betel leaves into the water that the amount of approximately two glasses. Boiling water should be made to the sheer number of remaining roughly only one cup of coffee.
Things That Can Be Done To Prevent Diabetes
For those of you who are still healthy and not suffering from diabetes, in addition to be grateful for the health you should also find out more about some of the things you can do to prevent the onset of diabetes. Actually, the prevention of this disease is quite easy to do because the main thing is to uphold a healthy lifestyle. For a more specific form of prevention, the first thing you can do is get used to always eat healthy foods that are not only low in calories but low in fat. In addition, you also can try to do physical activity in the form of exercise that is most appropriate for ana do regularly. The last thing you can do to prevent this disease is to always try to keep your weight at an ideal level. All means of prevention is easy to do as long as you have a strong intention to live a healthy life and away from diabetes. Good luck!

Recognize Diabetes And How Much More With Herbal Remedies 1

Diabetes is one disease that could be harmful to anyone, because there are two different types of this disease, which is also known as blood sugar disease or diabetes. The first type is type 1 diabetes who may suffer from the children and the second is type 2 diabetes who may suffer from children and when fully grown. Actually, there is one more type of diabetes that only affects women who are pregnant, namely gestational diabetes, but we're not just going to be a lot of talk about diabetes type one and two of them here.
What is that Type 1 Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), Type 2 and Gestational Type
Just as already mentioned earlier, there are three different types of diabetes. For those of you who are still quite unfamiliar with this blood sugar disease, you may have difficulty in knowing each type of the disease. Therefore, the following brief description of each type of the disease:
- Type 1 diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus): Disease level 1 diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus can indeed suffered since was a child. The cause is due to abnormalities that occur in the immune system that causes the immune system actually attacks the insulin hormone the body needs to process and convert the sugars in the blood known as the glucose into energy. As a result of the attack the insulin hormone is very low or even no kadarhormon insulin in the body. In the end, having the blood sugar content is high enough and the direction of this condition known as diabetes.
- Diabetes Type 2: In contrast with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes known as advanced diabetes and can suffer from children or adults. It is the cause of the emergence of diabetes that this one is the nature of some of the body's cells are resistant to insulin. As a result, the pancreas where insulin is produced the body can not produce enough insulin to the amount normally needed by the body. It also causes high levels of sugar in the blood or diabetes. This disease can appear suddenly in our bodies, whereas before we were never diagnosed as having the disease, due to several factors. Some of them are too much consumption of fatty foods and too passive habits and lack of exercise.
- Gestational Diabetes: A third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes suffered by women in general and pregnant women. Actually, this type of diabetes disease not only affects pregnant women. Only pregnant women with certain conditions who usually suffer from this type of diabetes. During pregnancy, there is a certain type of hormone that is formed by the placenta with the purpose to sustain the pregnancy itself. The presence of these hormones make the body's cells become more resistant to insulin terhada. For pregnant women the situation is normal and healthy, this will not be a problem because it is usually the pancreas organ in the body's natural response will provide a way to produce more insulin. However, for pregnant women with certain conditions, the pancreas does not give the same response that the body eventually insulin deficiency.
Characteristics of Diabetes The Worth To Know
Once you know more about juh three types of diabetes, it's time you recognize more of the characteristics that can be seen from diabetics. Just like the type that is different, cri-the hallmark of diabetes is also quite different according to the type. All these characteristics will be summarized briefly below:

- The characteristics of type 1 diabetes: frequent fatigue due to lack of energy in the body, frequent urination due to high levels of glucose in the virgin, often feel thirsty because of the amount of fluid that is secreted by the body, weight continues to decline despite a normal appetite.
If sufferers of this disease are children, these characteristics are usually quite difficult to see because it is often misconstrued as a characteristic of other illnesses, especially the flu. Because of this parents should be careful in interpreting the emergence of the characteristics mentioned above.
- The characteristics of type 2 diabetes: frequent tingling, very difficult to heal wounds and even to rot and ended in pengamputasian affected body part injured, weight continued to decline drastically.
Although the characteristics of this type of diabetes is one sounds more sinister than the traits found in type 1 diabetes, the disease actually it is very likely to be prevented memounyai even greater possibility to be cured.
- The characteristics of gestational diabetes: Infections of the vagina which can also be a fungal infection, disruption of hormone function that actually caused less smooth flow of blood to the body, a wide range of reproductive disorders due to imbalance of hormones, cholesterol levels high enough.

Apr 13, 2020

Diabetes Symptoms and How to Treat Diabetes

Diabetes Symptoms and How to Treat Diabetes. Have you ever seen people who suffer from diabetes or diabetes? Of course it when they see people affected by this disease, it creeps yes. Because the strangeness of this disease gnawing meat on our bodies. And in fact, there are people with diabetes to one of its organs amputated because it is difficult to cure.

Caring for people affected by diabetes necessary knowledge in order not wrong. How to treat diabetic themselves need patience, because sometimes in the center of diabetic wounds caused this terrible stored larvae, which eat the flesh and skin. Patience and diligence necessary for the nurse.

Diabetes Symptoms and How to Treat Diabetes

Diabetes or diabetes or diabetes is insulin system disorders due to excess levels of glucose in the blood. There are two types of diabetes, ie diabetes type 1 and type 2.

Type 2 diabetes affects people over the age of 35 years and over. As well as other diseases, the disease is also not attack old age, the age of 25 and even 20 years, sometimes there are affected by diabetes. Of course this does not escape the impact of the food consumed, regardless of health. Besides that lack of exercise also be one reason for the emergence of this disease.
Disease Causes of diabetes or sugar
Knowing the cause of a disease is very important, especially diabetes. Because without knowing the cause, it is feared that this disease will not feel indifferent to an unhealthy lifestyle, especially about food. Though eating a source of major cause of all disease. To that end, consider the causes of diabetes below:

    Sweet tea
    Like snacking, can also cause diabetes because sometimes sugary snack.
    Lack of sleep. Research experts from the University of Chicago revealed that lack of sleep for 3 days resulting in the body's ability to process glucose declined rapidly. That is, the risk of diabetes increases.
    Lazy physical activity. As often ride motorcycles everywhere. Keep your body every day can move, such as walking and running.
    Often stress. When stress comes, the body will increase production of the hormones epinephrine and cortisol blood sugar to rise and there are reserves of energy to move. Our bodies are designed so that for a good purpose. However, if high blood sugar continues triggered by prolonged stress with no way out, is tantamount to suicide slowly.

Cigarette addiction

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Such as the above, that the diabetes is divided into two, namely type 1 and type two. As well as the symptoms, therefore we first identify the symptoms of type 1 was how and symptoms of type 2 was how.

Recognize the symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus that occurs in children is not always easy because the symptoms are often mistaken for the flu. Besides the symptoms sometimes appear until the disease is quite a long walk. Children with type 1 diabetes usually have early symptoms as follows:

1. Frequent urination. This occurs because the kidneys want to clean up the excess glucose in the blood circulation. Children become more frequent urination and in large numbers. Bedwetting can also be a symptom of diabetes, especially if previous children never wet. So parents must be vigilant.

2. Often Haus and Drink Plenty. These symptoms are very hard to know. Not much different from the thirsty. Though these symptoms only for children outside full of activities, but it is thirsty. Because much fluid is removed, the child becomes easy thirsty.

3. Weight Descending. The body is no longer able to process glucose for energy and begin to break down muscle and fat reserves to produce energy for cells that hungry. Therefore even though the child's appetite normal weight but tough climb.

4. Easily tired. Children looked fatigue because the body is unable to process glucose for energy.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Type 2 diabetes is the most common type, can occur at any age and are often preventable. Among the symptoms of type 2 diabetes are:

    Lose weight quickly. This is not caused by a successful diet, but more because the pancreas starts to break down. The pancreas has the task of producing insulin which is used to process glucose into energy. Because the pancreas in diabetics fail to process sugar into energy, then there is insulin resistance. As a result, the weight of the body will continue to shrink.
    Tingling frequently. These symptoms occur because of damaged blood vessels, so that blood flow in the nerve endings was reduced.
    If the wounds are difficult to heal. This is another effect of damage to blood vessels and nerves in addition to tingling. This damage results in diabetic patients do not feel pain when injured. They even sometimes unknowingly hurt.

Treating diabetes
Tips on How to treat diabetes or quite diverse. For severe, may be taken to the doctor because it needs serious handling, such as foot ulcers filled with larvae, hands, neck, and so on. Essentially the patient if the patient is considered severe enough, then wound it needs treatment from a doctor.

And sometimes, diabetes medications is also a bit strange, like eating or drinking gratus cork fish oil that has been filtered. Surely it is not a pharmaceutical drug medicine, but traditional medicine diabetes which had never been a patient mengalam traditional herb cure by drinking it.

Apr 7, 2020

The Cause of Diabetes Mellitus

Alimpiannnya biimpiannya cause of diabetes is going to happen insulin not enough to accommodate the sugar and the body's cells do not respond to insulin. and this happens biimpiannya alimpiannnya is a large fat content in the body is not right alimpiannnya is the lack of activity every day. biimpiannya other causes dialimpiannnya adalahkan:
lack of insulin alimpiannnya is a virus or nutritional factors in when children are inadequate.
the influence of genetic or hereditary
high levels of corticosteroids
pregnancy which makes the lack of insulin in the blood
the body of toxins that mensugesti performance of insulin
characteristic symptoms caused by diabetes mellitus or blood sugar disease:
symptoms of diabetes mellitus
diabetes mellitus
how to treat diabetes
recognize the symptoms of type one diabetes in children is not always beliah alimpiannnya symptoms are often mistaken for the flu. besides the symptoms sometimes appear until the disease is quite a long walk.

Children with type one diabetes biimpiannya early symptoms as follows:

1. Often urination
this happens alimpiannnya is kidney wanted to clear excess glucose in the bloodstream. children become more frequently urinate and in large numbers. incontinence can also be a symptom of diabetes, especially if the child previously never wet the bed.

2. Often thirsty and drink plenty
alimpiannnya is much fluid is removed, the child becomes easy thirsty.

3. Weight loss
the body is no longer able to process glucose for energy and begin to break down muscle and fat reserves for Mengyang will terjadikan energy for cells that are hungry. alimpiannnya adalahnya even though the child's appetite but weight istiadatl difficult climb.

4. The Agency tired
children looked exhausted alimpiannnya is his body can not process glucose for energy.

Apr 6, 2020

How To Treat Tonsil

tonsil disease is caused by a virus that clot in the esophagus. This virus is able to menyebapkan diseases like fever and others. tonsil disease is able to be cured by surgery, but capable also treated without surgery tablets. Here I will deploy how to treat tonsil without surgery.

how to treat diseases of the tonsils using herbal medicine is an alternative for those of you who suffer from tonsillitis, but can not afford surgery or pharmacy to buy drugs at a price that is quite expensive. by using this herbal remedy you are able to save costs due to the materials needed are very simple and beliah we find in nature or in phasratr.
how to treat the disease of tonsils
should not linger following herbal medicine prescription is a disease of tonsils
leaf cat whiskers ¾
3 cups water
how to make herbal medicine tonsillitis
degan cat whiskers leaves boiled in 3 cups water
wait until the water half
potion ready to drink, three times a day until healed
How? Cheap is not the way to treat tonsillitis without the operation, in addition to cheap, bahannnya was very inexpensive and can be found in nature. With this herbal remedy is also able to minimize side effects. May be useful.

Apr 3, 2020


Similar to that described earlier, you can prevent the disease by leading a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. after knowing gout disease and its prevention, you also have to know the restrictions for gout sufferers.

The following are some restrictions for people with gout:

- Seafood (squid, shrimp, monyetng, oysters, cuttlefish, crab and sardines).
- Viscera (spleen, kidneys, tripe, lungs, brain, liver and intestines).
- Extracts of meat, shredded and jerky made of meat.- The food is almost instantaneous (sardines and corned beef).
- Flesh (goats, cows and horses).
- Legumes (soy or soy foods like tofu, tempeh and oncom, peanuts, melinjo, green beans and chips).
- Vegetables (spinach, cauliflower, beans, cassava leaves and papaya).
- Other foods rich in fat or protein.

Prohibited that some foods for gout sufferers, may review the gout can add your spirit.

Apr 2, 2020


Attempts to treat the veins should immediately dilsayakan dream for anyone who has enough of this deadly disease. how to treat impianm uric dilsayakan with so many treatment options. dilsayakan can be chemically or naturally using herbal products that have been proven to be overcome impianm veins.

Yet this simple web malalu we would recommend, urge and even stress to patients with uric impianm to prefer the natural way. us through this web beralkoholat masyminuman well as campaigning to put forward for the treatment of diseases naturally. jsaudara termudaanlah natural medicine as a primary solution and first before you drop the final choice in the treatment of a chemical.
Treatment of disease naturally, in this case impianm vein disease, using herbal ingredients God willing, will be a positive impact on health in general and thorough. this is because the treatment will naturally encourage and optimize the function of the body to treat itself. the immune system is the ultimate goal in the treatment of naturally.
Optimization of the body's immune function will menjsaudara termudaan our bodies can fight all disturbances and imbalances in the body. this is different from pegobatan chemically. the body is made passive in the face of all forms of disruption and imbalances in the body the body tends threatened Arriving back pain didikala diinjekkan drugs into the body have been exhausted.
But it should be understood, treatment is naturally healing reaction relatively slow compared with chemical treatment system. this is certainly understandable because the dilsayakan in natural herbal treatment means revamping the body's defense system from within Arriving there should be improvements and improvements in almost all organs and systems of the body which is responsible for maintaining a healthy body. and organ system that should be corrected and addressed them means the blood circulation system, the glandular system and the exhaust system of toxins or secretion. As for the organ that should be corrected and addressed jointly diantaran means kidney, cardiac, pancreatic and liver.
With good and optimal systems and organs above, God willing, all forms of aggression disorders and diseases will be resolved properly. so in this case means a disturbance because impianm veins that accumulate in the body.
Below we will describe briefly how to treat the disease impianm uric natural and integrated / insha allah with you follow the steps that we explain below you will beliah to address and treat the disease impianm impianm vein or veins that you suffer.
perbanyaklah you pray
You should know that not only medicine to heal diseases that we drink or the way we lsayakan treatment. all healing means runs with the will of god. we are only in order to melsayakan berusa effort or treatment that cures while still gods simply not others. others simply as alimpiannnya means. and gods bring in and eliminate the disease by alimpiannnya means. however, we should not rely on alimpiannnya means.
I think it does not need too much in discussing this matter, but the light has the right to cure only the gods alone upon arriving we should pray for healing in many gods. after the treatment with the struggle lsayakanlah run alimpiannnya meaning of scientific and accountable. Put away all forms of scientific pengotang were not and could not be accounted for similar to shamanism and amulets.
Sorry, this is not a lecture, but it is important for the safety jimpiand and our spirit. jimpiand us spiritually healthy and we survived. amiiinn.
immediately reduce or, if it can stop consuming foods that are high in purines
you terkana impianm disease atomatis veins in your body has a buildup of uric impianm and your kidneys can not cope to excrete uric impianm. of course you do not want to aggravate the situation, right?. immediately stop consume foods that contain purine. for a list of foods with a high purine content, please read here
Drink plenty of water
Drink plenty of water will help to dilute and dissolve uric impianm levels. thus will be lighter in the kidneys excrete uric impianm from the body through urine. drink plenty of water is also one of the sata lightweight way to melsayakan detoxification or removal of toxins in the body including impianm veins.

Consume herbal medicine lowering uric impianm and kidney amplifier
in fact we no longer need to look at chemical drugs in preventing, addressing and treating diseases impianm veins. in nature has a lot of available materials quality herbal anti impianm veins and lowering uric impianm. but you need to understand that the disease arises due to high uric impianm impianm ketidakbisaan veins and kidneys to remove substances that would happen the purine metabolism. so in the treatment of vein disease impianm should also look for an herbal remedy that can also improve kidney function. so the use of herbal medicines lowering uric impianm should be combined with herbs that can improve kidney function Arriving processing malalui urinary uric impianm running smoothly.
Without reinforcement and repair kidneys, nerves impianm treatment will be many failures. to ulimpiann herbal ingredients as lowering impianm renal vein and amplifier.

Mar 31, 2020

Oh, you wanted answers, now I get it!

Stroke survivors and caregivers are often frustrated with stroke recovery research. Why are the simple questions not even asked, they wonder. Typical questions are:
1. Why are there no "head to head" comparisons between interventions. For instance, why don't they compare electrical stimulation to the Saeboflex?

2. Why don't they combine interventions the way a therapist would do therapy? For instance, why aren't there studies that look at electrical stimulation and the Saebo flex?

3. Why aren't simple questions answered, like, "What is the most effective treatment option given my level of arm movement?"

These are the sort of questions that confuse people that are not in research. I hate to be an apologist for research and researchers, but let me offer some insight...

Head to head comparisons are never done, in any pathology, for any intervention, initially. For instance you probably didn't see a lot of comparisons between different cholesterol drugs, initially. One company makes a cholesterol drug, they put a lot of research into it, and then they put it on the market. A second company does the same thing. But both those companies will make money off of those drugs, so the cost of the studies are justified. If there's a comparison study done, nobody's can make any money. In fact, one of the two drugs is gonna look really bad, and sell even less. So who's going to fund a study like that?

Now you may find studies that compare different cholesterol drugs. Cholesterol drugs have been around since the early 1970s. Rehabilitation research into stroke really started in the mid-to-late 90s. It wasn't that people weren't doing research before then, it was just that the outcome measures were really poor. Let's put it this way, to test how well somebody was moving-- prior to the mid-1990s-- we used a fancy protractor, and a VCR. Now we use kinematics labs. Prior to the early 1990s we had no way to image the brain, and now we have MRI, functional MRI, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and on and on. 

Again, not to be an apologist for researchers, but there are other issues as well. For instance, when should you do the studies? Should you do them when the stroke survivor is acute, or during the subacute phase, or the chronic phase? Or should you do all three? It takes some time to explain, but recovery is very different during those three phases. And here's another problem: recruitment. It is very difficult to recruit stroke survivors during the acute and subacute phases. It has to do with the fact that, first of all, you can't get in the way of "standard of care." That is, it is unethical for research to get in the way of what a stroke survivor would typically get. Also, what that standard of care is doing is considered a "confound" in research. A confound is something that the researchers have no control over. In this case the confound would be the therapist, and the therapy that the therapist is offering. Each therapist is different, and each therapy or combination of therapies is different. The researcher can do nothing about those variables (confounds). 

Also, for acute studies, it's incredibly difficult to recruit. "Hi Mr. Smith, my name is Pete, I'm from research down the hall. You had a stroke two days ago. Would you like to get involved in a clinical trial? Is now a good time are you, or are you busy?" You see the problem.

The reason they don't combine interventions is because we haven't even figured out if the interventions by themselves work. Within one intervention, let's say electrical stimulation for example, we don't even know what the proper dosage should be. Is it a half an hour three times a day? Is it 15 minutes five times a day? Does it depend on how well the stroke survivor moves to begin with? What about their spasticity-- how does that affect things? So research tends to focus on a very tight question. Let's get that tight question answered first, then we can be pretty safe to start as the second, third, fourth... 15th question.

What works best for what stroke survivor in what situation is impossible to determine at this point. The algorithm for this stuff is incredibly complicated because the stroke can hit any part of the brain, people can have different sequelae (symptoms other stroke), and different comorbidities (illnesses outside the stroke). Further, they can be of different motivational levels, different ages, and on and on.

But that doesn't help you. You don't have time. If you're reading this blog is because you need answers now. The good news is, if you're willing to educate yourself a little bit, your guess is as good as ours.

Good luck.

Mar 30, 2020

Emerging Stroke Recovery Treatments? Yeah NO.

Just caught this over at Dean's stellar stroke-recovery site:

An article called "Emerging Treatments for Motor Rehabilitation After Stroke."  They include:
1. mirror therapy
2. motor imagery or mental practice
3. constraint-induced movement therapy
4. noninvasive brain stimulation 
5. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications

A coupla itzy problems: These treatment options have been around for at least a decade and at least one has little proven efficacy.

Let's get the 5th one out of the way; these meds (SSRIs) are things like prozak and paxil and they usually treat depression. They've been used forever to treat depression in survivors. Do they help depression, yeah. Do they help you recover, no. SSRI's effectiveness-- if you take JAMA's word for it: meh. BTW, Mild to moderate depression is probably better treated with exercise. (A review here from Harvard.) And exercise is what survivors ought to be doing anyway, so its a two-fer! 

The 2nd and 3rd I've been involved in published clinical trials and have written about in my book, blog entries and magazine articles. In fact, our group, led by our fearless leader Stephen J. Page, was the first to do a modification of constraint induced therapy, and the first to look at motor imagery post stroke. And this goes back to the late 90s. "Emerging Treatments." Yeah. No. I've written about it extensively in every edition of my book as well as magazine articles, journal articles and every talk I've ever done.

Mirror therapy has been around for stroke, again, since the late 90s. I've written about it in this blog, in my book and in every talk.

Noninvasive brain stimulation is nonspecific but they're talking about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), which has been around for quite some time. Our group has done
a lot of work with the "next gen" of this called Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation -- basically its more accurate. But there is no research that shows that sapping the "stroked" brain with TMS does anything--yet. Promising, maybe, but not much there...yet.

So we have 3 "emerging" treatment option that have been around for more than a decade, one option that probs does not work and one that we're not sure what it does or how to use it. 

Mar 26, 2020

Lumosity: NOT generalizable.

I've said before and I'll say it again, "brain training" games -- like those developed by lumosity -- have very little proven

efficacy. Do they change the brain? Yes. But so does just about everything else. Let me explain... there was a story that we used to tell in the lab and it went like this...

"If I throw you a set of keys, and you catch it, there will be neuroplastic change. 

If I throw you a set of keys, and you try catch it drop it, there will be neuroplastic change. 

If I throw you a set of keys, and you just watch the keys hit the floor, there will be neuroplastic change."

So do "brain traing " games change your brain? Yes. The change your brain to be better at the games. If the end result you want is to be better at the games, have at it, and become better at those games. But are the skills that you gain from these games generalizable to anything else in your life? Not that we know of.

Here is a recent article that says... well, let's put it this way... if you work for luminosity, you'll hate it...

Again, the key word here is "generalizable." Here's another article that makes the same point: "The authors conclude that memory training programs appear to produce short-term, specific training effects that do not generalize."

Mar 24, 2020

Poor taste public service announcement!

Have a look at this cartoon. In poor taste, yes. But it manages to raise awareness and it does it in a way that is comically accurate. Here is your quiz: Watch the vid and then do this: Just below the cartoon, highlight the invisible text by right clicking and dragging to the bottom of the post. Therein lies my observation of what the cartoon gets right. If you'd like me to add anything I've missed, put it in the comments or email me.
Highlight text below
1. Drop foot 
2. Inability to clear ground during swing phase of gait 
3. Flaccid left upper 
4. Lack of sensation left upper 
5. Caregiver concern regarding driving 
6. Difficulty with spacial issues while driving 
7. Left hemiparesis, no aphasia! 
8. "Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!" Its a public service announcement! More of the episode here...

In the comments section Jim Sparks points to a part in the episode where a treatment that is not proven to work, works!

Mar 23, 2020

"Instant gratification and how it may hurt you" OR "It works great (and that's the problem)"

You want to eliminate drop foot? 

You want the elbow to straighten?
Tap the triceps, done! 


You want the hand to stay open? 
Put a splint on, done!

You want to improve balance? 
Give 'em a walker, done!

You want to have them talk better? 
Give them a language aid, done!

You them to swallow better? 
Feed them thickened liquids, done!

In every case, and many more, short-term "instant gratification" often gets in the way of a more complete recovery. 

Why and how?

The irony of stroke is that deficits to lifting the foot, swallowing, balance, etc. are exactly what needs to be embraced to promote recovery. So instead of throwing an external aid at the problem, sometimes its best to challenge the challenge.

  • If you want to speak French better, do you get an app?
  • If you want to learn how to work on your car do you hire a better mechanic?
  • If you want to be better at driving directions do you get a GPS?

In stroke, sometimes it is better to use the aid, no doubt. But choose your acquiescence wisely.