Control the level of blood glucose. Low glycemic foods to high index are always preferred. Simple sugars are avoided as far as possible (short of a total ban, but preferred those that do not contain glucose, and fructose) and consumption of whole grains and foods rich in fiber will be recommended in general.
Maintain a healthy weight (by controlling the calorie intake). Excess body fat makes it harder for people with type II diabetes use its own insulin.
Balancing the ratio of the contribution of carbohydrates (65%), protein (15%) and fat (30%).
Achieve or maintain a suitable level of lipids in blood. The breakdown among the different types of fat should be 10% saturated, 10% monounsaturated and 10% polyunsaturated. They avoid foods rich in cholesterol, and diabetics, by the close relationship between the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, are one of the main groups at risk of cardiovascular disease.
Food should be fresh and minimally processed fresh fruit, whole grains, fresh, raw or steamed vegetables, plain yogurt, etc. Avoid foods prepared from shops, industrial pastries and ice cream, canned food, snack, etc.
Feeding should provide adequate amounts of essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, etc.). The diet should be varied, and more likely to get all the vitamins and minerals you will have. Special attention to the levels of chromium and zinc, which are critical to the insulin response must be given.
Control the sodium intake in the diet. The kidney is usually an organ affected in diabetics because of the extra work to be done to remove excess ketone bodies are formed when insulin is needed so that excess sodium can be very dangerous. Also attends hypertension associated with diabetes in most cases (syndrome X).
Promote the normal growth in children. During the growth of children and during pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers, an increase in the intake of proteins, essential amino acids, calcium, etc., must be taken into account.
Physical exercise regularly. Exercise helps control weight and sweat sodium and eliminates toxins. It is necessary to provide that glucose consumption increases to make the muscles work.
Consider 9 points above.