Nov 19, 2018

Recovery is done in three phases.

Recovery from stroke is done in three phases.

1. The acute phase (~day 1 to day 7 [note all time periods are highly variable]). This is usually done in the hospital. In terms of recovery your main responsibility is to keep yourself healthy. Therapists will typically focus on helping you do what you can do. This is a time for convalescence.
2. The subacute phase (~day 7 to 3 months). This is usually done with some help from therapists. You will experience the most recovery during this phase. This is the time that rehabilitation should "put the pedal to the metal." This is where the hard work begins. During the subacute phase the brain is "primed" to recover. Make the most of this phase because it is a window of opportunity to reach the highest level of recovery.Squander it and squander the highest level of potential recovery.
3. The chronic phase (~3 months to the end of life). Typically the survivor has very little contact with rehabilitation professionals during the chronic phase. This is the time to implement a "do-it-yourself" plan for recovery. Recovery comes at fits and starts and is much more difficult than during the subacute phase. Still, important gains can be made during this phase. Up to very recently it was thought that no recovery could be made during the chronic phase. We now know, however, because of the brain's amazing ability to rewire itself, essential progress can be made during the chronic phase.

Nov 12, 2018

A blog entry about football-induced brain injury.

There is a problem when it comes to the issue of football and brain injury....

Nov 6, 2018

Spasticity After Stroke III: Options for Treatment

      What else works? BOTOX® (botulinum toxin type A) can be injected directly into the spastic muscles to provide months of spasticity relief. Intrathecal baclofen (ITB) therapy delivers spasticity medication to the intrathecal space (fluid flows around the spinal cord) corresponding to the spinal level of the spastic muscles. Oral medication, dorsal root rhizotomy, orthopedic surgeries and other treatments do reduce spasticity. And if you think that these medical interventions have nothing to do with therapists, think again. Physiatrists and neurologists believe that spasticity that limits function is one of the triggers for appointments for these experts in spasticity reduction. Who better than therapists to gently guide patients to these doctors for spasticity treatment?    
        A word of caution here: Once directed to a doctor who specializes in spasticity interventions, patients sometimes forget what to say and end up saying something vague like, "I want to move better." Prior to sending patients with spasticity to these doctors, tell them in clear and concise terms exactly what muscles you want the doctor to work on. If the patient has trouble with dorsiflexion because of spastic triceps surae, having the doctor BOTOX® the finger flexors is not going to help.
       The Holy Grail for spasticity reduction is a melding of doctor-prescribed medical interventions and therapist-delivered neuroplastic treatment options. The proper mix of these interventions is emerging as research goes forward. Guiding patients back to neurology and physiatry and accepting neuroplasticity as the substrate for authentic spasticity reduction are good first steps.

Nov 5, 2018

Spasticity I: The "Magic" "Cure" for Spasticity Reduction?


Why do I have spasticity? What can I do to get rid of spasticity? When will it go away?"
        People who have any number of pathologies can suffer from spasticity. Spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) and other pathologies have spasticity as a sequela. This column will discuss spasticity as it relates to acquired brain injury which includes traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy and stroke.
     Most clinicians provide patients with overly simplified, incomplete and often inaccurate information about what spasticity is, its etiology and its cure. Therapists generally believe that patients don't want detailed explanations. But patients need to understand their spasticity. Why? Having patients understand their spasticity is essential because spasticity will only reduce if executive control over the spastic muscles, by the brain, is restored. And executive control over muscles will only happen with repeated firing of the muscle in question, and repeated firing will only happen if the patient wants it to happen.

Oct 29, 2018

Stop the therapy cap!

Addendum 9.18.14: 
As of today 220 members of the 435 congressmen have signed on as co-sponsors of the House bill to repeal the therapy caps. --Thank you Rebecca Dutton!

Let's say you've had a stroke. Not much of a stretch, huh? Now imagine a federal algorithm that determines the amount of therapy you'll get before you even have a stroke. Can't be done you say? Every stroke is different and so would need a different amount of therapy. 

You'd think the amount of therapy you'd get would be based on what the clinicians sitting in front of you think you need. But yeah, no. That's not the way its done. 

And what really confuses me is why the Federal guidelines are not in concert with what the research says! 

So, if you're with me on this, click the red image above and let 'er rip. 

PS, the congressman who had a stroke, how much therapy did he get given the insurance provided congress? "...nearly a year of intense, grueling physical and occupational therapy."