Sep 30, 2019

Will and imagination

I do a ton of talks on stroke recovery. I come from the world of research. So my perspective is a bit different to the rehab clinicians I talk to. I do my best to ease them into the world of research. I explain where they can find leading edge stroke rehab info for themselves. I describe where we are in researching stroke recovery (not very far I’m afraid). I explain how the stuff from research can be used with their patients.

And there’s the rub. Therapists and other folks in rehab sometimes have a bit of difficulty imagining how to transfer the research to their practice.

"I'm in acute care (or skilled nursing, or an outpatient clinic, or in home care, or in long term care, etc.).  I can't implement this stuff. It takes too much time (or we don't have the equipment, or don't know how to bill for it, or nursing won't follow through, etc.). This stuff can't be used on my patients because they're not motivated enough (or have too many other medical problems, or are too "low level", or are too old, etc.)"

The core concepts of relearning how to move after stroke are simple. These concepts don’t have to be done clinically the way they’re done in research. In fact, they are often more effective in the clinic. They may be more effective because clinicians can change the treatment to fit individual survivors.  Research involves a one-size-fits-all implementation. Therapists can add and subtract, slow down and speed up, skip or add more treatments.  In research all those screw up consistency.

Some therapists have no problem with implementing this stuff. Some go well beyond what I suggest. For instance, they may dovetail suggested treatment options in a mix that is beyond anything researched. (Note to clinicians who do this: make sure you use valid and reliable outcome measures to prove to yourself that these things work.)

Whats the difference between those who can and those who can't?

Will and imagination.

Sep 23, 2019

A test that predicts when survivors may die

A test of mental ability after stroke can predict how long a survivor will live (Find the study here.)

Poor performance on these tests can predict mortality in stroke survivors, a full decade before death. Previous tests have shown a link between heart disease and dementia after stroke and mortality. This is the first to show small amounts of cognitive decline correlating to mortality.

Here are the tests that they used.
The longer it takes to do the tests the more "impaired psychomotor speed." Participants that were the slowest third of the group for both tests were more likely to die.

In this study, the mean result for TMT A was 47 seconds and for TMT B, 119 seconds.

Also a decline in mental function before a stroke can be an indicator of an impending stroke.

Good luck!

Sep 17, 2019

What else can I do?

There is an inaccuracy in a recent Amazon review of Stronger After Stroke that I must correct... 

Here is part of the review:

"I have not read the book, but one of the reasons my father in law suffered a stroke was because he's blood pressure was too high due to alcohol consumption. In this book it says it's ok to have 4 oz of alcohol a day so my father in law has started drinking again. So I'm hoping I didn't start up the drinking with him by giving him this book."

Actually, there is no mention of alcohol at all, any place in the book. But the author of the review hadn't read the book, so how would they know?

Here's a part of the story that may be interesting only to me: I contacted Amazon, asking them to consider taking the review down. Amazon will only take down a review "If it in violation of one of Amazon's posted guidelines." One of posted guidelines is: "Customer reviews should be relevant to the product in question." The reviewer is clearly reviewing hearsay, not a book. In any case, I was amazed that Amazon has declined to take the review down. I'm a huge fan of Amazon! I'm disappointed.

I'm not an advocate of drinking after stroke.

Thank you.S

Sep 16, 2019

Demanding Repetition

I do a lot of talks on stroke recovery. From Alaska to Florida, from New Hampshire to San Diego I'm all over the place all the time. I do these talks  for therapists; OT, PT, speech. Survivors and their caregivers show up as well. Also, medical device people, nurses, physiatrists, etc. So I get to talk to a lot of people about stroke. I always do the best I can to make things as simple as possible. Here is a really simple but profound way to look at stroke recovery...


That's it. Repetitive practice of the movement or sound or walking or skill or whatever. Of course repetitive practice has the habit of doing two things: 1) causing people to repeat things that they can do pretty well, over and over. 2) Plateau. People plateau (don't get any better) because they keep doing what they can do pretty well over and over.

That's where demanding comes in. Repeatedly practice the skill in a way that "nips at the edges" of your current ability.

Repetitive without demanding and progress will slow to a crawl.
Demanding without enough repetition will halt progress."the stroke blog" "The stroke recovery blog"

Sep 12, 2019

Does "X" aid recovery after stroke?

What works and what doesn't work to help recover after stroke? Research has revealed three broad categories:
1. It works
2. It doesn't work
3. We don't know yet

There is tons we don't know about stroke recovery. Stroke recovery is a million different puzzle pieces, with no picture on the front of the box to help out. But there are some resources to help answer some of the questions (at least)...

There is one website that answers, in layman's terms, what works and what doesn't work. Although the list is far from complete, it's a start. Thank you Canada!

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