Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Jan 1, 2020


I don't like change. I like my little 'ruts' that keep me doing the same thing over and over again. And I'm usually okay with it.

However, my health requires me to make changes, regularly. I look back on my life in recent years and can recall many things I used to do, for decades, but do not any more because I can't.

For example, if you have read my blog for a while, you may note that I used to go for a daily walk. Every day, rain or shine, I would go out for a walk, usually a fairly substantial walk for an hour. I really enjoyed it. Now the idea of an hour walk has me cringing inside. I can't. Its a combination of all my issues which make it impossible for me to even think about more than a 20 minute walk.

I also used to do more than go for long walks, I would climb mountains, go skiing, ice skate, bike ride, and more. I was an outdoor person. Now I am more of an indoor person. I have watched so many Lifetime movies that I know the plots of some of them by heart. (My husband believes these will rot my brain but I beg to differ on that.) After being out and about for a bit, I need to come home and sit or lie down and relax. Then I turn on the TV or read a book or knit.

As I age*, I am learning to accept change more. Well, okay, sometimes I struggle with change and sometimes I make changes intentionally. Yes I did change my PCP but I think that's enough change for a while.

Unfortunately my health may force more changes that I am not ready to make. Damn.

*I am not that old. I am still 37. And this article which talks about mental sharpness in older people - defined as over 50 - made me feel old!

Dec 17, 2019

More on change

As part of moving, we are looking at a variety of locations. The biggest requirement is that my husband's commute stays reasonable. Well the first requirement is that we buy a more affordable house. But my husband's commute is the other significant factor.

Originally, I said we need to stay near the hospital where I am treated, relatively easy commute for me to work, stay near the gym I go to (because it is wonderful) and stay near my family members who live locally. Then we realized that as we downsize, my working will become a lesser requirement. And if I don't work, I can take a day each week to spend with family members so that is two things down.

The next issue of being near the wonderful gym I go to for dilapidated people is significant. But I hope if we move too far for it to be easy to get to three times a week, I might be able to find another gym with the right kind of equipment and supplement that with a physical therapist.

Finally, the remaining big issue is finding another hospital. I really don't want to but if necessary I would. I have been a mostly happy patient there for almost 35 years. All my medical records are there. But if it became more than a 45 minute drive, that might become an issue since I go there an average of once a week. I think that would become a last resort but could be under consideration. The bonus is that  it is about 10 minutes from my husband's job so that if he has a good commute chances are it would still be accessible for me.

I have considered if we move further out I might make a point of getting registered at a more local hospital so that the bulk of my medical history and allergies are there in case of an emergency visit. But I am not impressed with what would be the new local hospital's emergency room so that might be off the table.

Grr. I just want the damn move to be over so I can get through the all this packing and un packing.